Connect a SensorTag

This page describes how to setup a SensorTag to be used with ML Client for Android. In this example, we use Raspberry PI as a gateway. Raspberry PI connects a SensorTag via BLE, collects data, and sends the data to BuildingDepot. Once you setup Raspberry PI to send data from a SensorTag to BuildingDepot, you can try the demo that we did using dummy scripts with a real sensor.

Setup a Raspberry PI

Connect a Raspberry PI to a network as you like, and setup a BLE dongle. Currently (04/10/2016), gatttool that we install in the next step does not work on Jessie. Thus, we recommend you to use Wheezy for your Raspberry PI.

Install gatttool

Our demo script uses gatttool to communicate with a SensorTag. So, install it by following the steps below.

Download the latest Bluez source:

$ wget
$ tar xvf bluez-5.18.tar.xz
$ sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libdbus-1-dev libusb-dev libudev-dev libical-dev systemd libreadline-dev
$ .configure --enable-library
$ make -j8 && sudo make install

The install script does not copy gatttool to your /usr/local/bin/ directory. You must do it manually

$ sudo cp attrib/gatttool /usr/local/bin/

Get a SensorTag’s MAC Address

To communicate with a SensorTag, you need its MAC Address.

$ sudo hciconfig hci0 up
$ sudo hcitool lescan

You will find something similar to:

LE Scan ...
90:59:AF:0A:A8:4E (unknown)
90:59:AF:0A:A8:4E SensorTag

The string next to SensorTag is its MAC address. Set the address in demo_scripts/sensor_tag/connector_setting.json

Install pexpect

You also need pexpect to run our script. Install it with:

$ sudo pip install pexpect

Get data from a SensorTag

Now run demo_scripts/sensor_tag/ to send data from a SensorTag to BuildingDepot.

$ python